Category: Framing

  • We Have Been Framed! (Part 3)

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! The framing of the house is close to done, and we couldn’t be more excited. With the sunset happening so early we don’t have many in-progress photos, but here is one from the day the trusses were delivered. Other than that, here is how the house exterior is looking: The first…

  • We Have Been Framed! (Part 2)

    Framing has continued this week and started with the giant living room window (Human for scale). By the end of the week the inner walls were mostly done and we were able to walk around and immerse ourselves in what our main floor will feel like! The deck has even been started, and I’m looking…

  • We Have Been Framed! (Part 1)

    The first floor of framing is in the books, and while last week seemed like a lightning strike of work, this week has been more gradual (yet still quick). By the end of the day on Monday this big 1600 lb beam was in place. Rachel and I were theorizing where it would go, and…